Coaching Code of Conduct Policy
Our coaches are expected to adhere to the Volleyball Alberta Code of Conduct Policy.
I will participate in volleyball alcohol and drug free.
I will ensure that all players receive equal instruction and support. My main objective will be to develop their skills to the best of my ability.
I will teach my players to participate fairly in the spirit of good sportsmanship, and to respect the rules, coaches, officials, and opponents.
I will never use violence or bad language, nor will I harass players, coaches, officials, or other spectators. I will express my disapproval in an appropriate manner to the proper officials, club and Volleyball Alberta contacts.
I will be open and honest with athletes and parents about my coaching philosophy, particularly regarding playing time and the athlete’s role on the team.
I will ensure the team is properly supervised at all times for their safety and to ensure they are behaving to the standards set by the team and/or association.
I will lead by example and demonstrate good sportsmanship and leadership qualities. I will not yell at officials but work cooperatively with them for the benefit of the game.
I will be reasonable when setting practices, games and curfews, and will keep the athletes/teams’ best interests in mind.
Coaching Ethics & Expectation Policy
Our coaches are expected to adhere to the NCCP Ethical Principles and their corresponding Behaviours/Expectations.
Physical safety and health of athletes
Ensure that training or competition site is safe at all times
Be prepared to act quickly and appropriately in case of emergency
Avoid placing athletes in situations presenting unnecessary risk or that are beyond their level
Strive to preserve the present and future health and well-being of athletes
Follow the Rule of Two Policy
Coaching responsibly
Make wise use of the authority of the position and make decisions in the interest of athletes
Foster self-esteem among athletes
Avoid deriving personal advantage for a situation or decision
Know one’s limitations in terms of knowledge and skills when making decisions, giving instructions or taking action
Honour commitments, word given, and agreed objectives
Maintain confidentiality and privacy of personal information and use it appropriately
Integrity in relations with others
Avoid situations that may affect objectivity or impartiality of coaching duties
Abstain from all behaviours considered to be harassment or inappropriate relations with an athlete
Always ensure decisions are taken equitably
Ensure that everyone is treated equally, regardless of athletic potential, race, sex, language, religion, or age
Preserve the dignity of each person in interacting with others
Respect the principles, rules, and policies in force
Honouring sport Strictly observe and ensure observance of all regulations
Aim to compete fairly
Maintain dignity in all circumstances and exercise self-control
Respect officials and accept their decisions without questioning their integrity
Athlete Code of Conduct
In addition to the information listed below, please refer to the Volleyball Alberta Code of Conduct and Ethics found here: Volleyball Alberta Code of Conduct and Ethics
a) Report any medical problems in a timely fashion, when such problems may limit their ability to travel, practice, or compete;
b) Participate and appear on-time and prepared to participate to their best abilities in all competitions, practices, training sessions, tryouts, tournaments, and events
c) Properly represent themselves and not attempt to participate in a competition for which they are not eligible by reason of age, classification, or other reason
d) Adhere to Volleyball Alberta’s rules and requirements regarding clothing and equipment
e) Act in a sportsmanlike manner and not display appearances of violence, foul language, or gestures to other athletes, officials, coaches, or spectators
f) Dress to represent the sport and themselves well and with professionalism
g) Act in accordance with Volleyball Alberta’s policies and procedures and, when applicable, additional rules as outlined by coaches or managers
Parents, Guardians and Spectator Code of Conduct
In addition to the information listed below, please refer to the Volleyball Alberta Code of Conduct and Ethics found here: Volleyball Alberta Code of Conduct and Ethics
a) Encourage athletes to compete within the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence
b) Condemn the use of violence in any form
c) Never ridicule a participant for making a mistake during a performance or practice
d) Provide positive comments that motivate and encourage participants’ continued effort
e) Respect the decisions and judgments of officials, and encourage athletes to do the same
f) Never question an official’s or staff member’s judgment or honesty
g) Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse, coercion, intimidation, and sarcasm
h) Respect and show appreciation to all competitors, and to the coaches, officials and other volunteers
i) Not harass competitors, coaches, officials, parents/guardians, or other spectators
Conflict Resolution Policy
The Jr. Dino Women's Volleyball Club Executive Team recognizes that conflicts and concerns do arise. They are committed to ensuring concerns are heard and that a resolution is found. The following guidelines should be taken when a conflict arises.
*If the conflict does not pertain to an athlete, parent or team, all concerns can be addressed directly to the Executive Director.
*If the conflict does not immediately impact the well-being of the athlete or parent, we ask that parties involved wait 24 hours before contacting coaches.
Step 1: Athlete contacts the Coach
After 24 hours, athletes should contact their coach asking for a meeting and outlining what it is they would like to discuss.
Meetings should take place outside of normal practice/game hours.
Parents are welcome to communicate with Coaches when their daughter is unable to provide them with sufficient details surrounding their question/concern. ​
If a resolution is not found after the initial step, the following step can be taken. ​
Step 2: Parent contacts the Coach
The parent should contact the coach through email requesting a meeting and outlining what they believe still needs to be addressed and how they would like to see the conflict resolved.
Meetings should take place outside of normal practice/game hours.
Coaches will inform the Executive Director that a meeting is taking place.
If the parties reach agreement on a resolution at this meeting there is no need for further action. The coaches will inform the Executive Director that a resolution has been found.
If a resolution is not found, the following steps should be taken.
Step 3: Parent contacts the Executive Director
The parents should contact the Executive Director through email requesting a meeting ​and outlining what they believe still needs to be addressed and how they would like to see the conflict resolved.
A meeting will be set up with the Executive Director and the Club President.
If a resolution is found, the Executive Director and Club President will inform the coach of the outcome.
If a resolution is not found, the Executive Director and Club President will discuss with the coach and a resolution will be made.
Concussion Policy​
We follow the Volleyball Alberta Concussion and Awareness Protocols. All of our Head Coaches have completed Concussion Training and will follow the appropriate steps required to identify a concussion, allow correct rest and rehabilitation, and return an athlete to the learn and play stages. More information can be found on the Concussion Awareness & Protocol website.
Rule of 2: Open and Observable Training Spaces
The Dinos Volleyball Club follows the Coaching Association of Canada’s (CAC’s) Responsible Coaching Movement. Open, observable, and justifiable interactions and communications are strongly recommended to foster safety, enhance protection, and help reduce vulnerability of both the athlete and adult(s) in a position of trust. CAC’s Rule of Two states that there will always be two screened and safety-trained adults with a participant, especially a minor athlete, when in a potentially vulnerable situation. Open and Observable Spaces.
Canadian Sport Help Line
THE CANADIAN SPORT HELPLINE 1-888-837-7678 – info@abuse-free-sport.ca – http://abuse-free-sport.ca The helpline will provide you with advice, guidance and resources on how to proceed/intervene appropriately in the circumstances.